Mobilcompatt Company
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How Offsite storage Saves Your Time!
We believe that good and proper recordkeeping is evidence of a well-governed organization and should be seen as an integral part of, rather than incidental to, any business. In terms of strengthening corporate governance and promoting good management practices, we see definite merits of sharing good records management practices and procedures with both government-owned or privately funded statutory bodies..
MOBILCOMPATT (U) LIMITED supports it’s clients identify records for relocation to our secure off-site records storage facilities where they are tagged and classified usings clients terminology tracked with RIFD LABELS which facilitates quick access & retrieval of information when needed
Flexible, Improved & Accelerated Solutions!
Scovia Blessed
Our Mission
Preserving the past, recording the present and informing the future
Our Vision
To exceed the expectations of our clients, company and community every day