Disposal of Records

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No one wants to see good products go to waste. However, products that are off-specification, expired, outdated, or have been recalled or discontinued can be a liability to your brand. Even high-quality overstocked inventory or excess packaging can pose a threat to your business’ bottom line by taking up valuable warehouse storage space.

Typical landfill disposal of these items exposes your product to the grey market; without certified product destruction, your product may be intercepted during transportation or disposal and resold to third parties. Mobilcompatt’s secure, confidential, and environmentally-friendly product destruction services may be the solution you need

How It Works?!

Understanding what information to keep and disposing of information that is no longer needed is an important part of effective information management. In fact, disposal is something that you are required to do under legislation such as the Public Records Act and Data Protection Act. 


In records management, there are phases that each record must go through and the actions should be taken during its lifespan. Different policies and procedures exist at each phase in order to maintain the quality and integrity of the records. Each stages of the records indicate a specific record management function that starts with the production of the document and ends with either disposal or archiving of it.

Key Benifits

Storing your information onsite where your company employees have access can greatly increase your risk of a purposeful or accidental information leak. Other threats like theft, natural disasters and deteriorating document quality can also affect the integrity of your records.
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Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse sollicitudin diam quis suscipit finibus. Curabitur sit amet turpis sit amet lectus ullamcorper pulvinar id nec nulla.